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Showing posts from December, 2014

The Day I Quit the Job I Haven't Started Yet

Yes, you have heard it right. It was a homebased online English tutorial which I applied for a week ago. As I have undergone the interview and training, I felt happy and at the same time anxious. I also feel bad after my final teaching demonstration with my Chinese student, not because I didn't do well but because she act more superior than I am during class discussion & she evaluates me after (aside from hating Chinese authorities from claiming Spratly and West Philippine sea, NAH! Blame my patriotism with our country). A sign from which I ingnored since it is part of her job and mine, too. So there you go, I had been more anxious since my daughter went to and from my lightning while having a video class. To the point that I got angry at her, spank her to the fullest and blame her for reason I do not know. Least thing I know is that I realize how wrong I am. That it is hard to seperate work from mommy duties if you have a boss and if you are working at home. Then I am f...