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Showing posts from November, 2013

What my Korean Boss thinks about Filipino Employees?

I have here a list of what our Korean Manager thinks about us: 1. We always give time to family. He is saying the business is business, and we need to go to work even if our daughter/son is sick Work is separated from family matters. 2.We always say it is traffic if we came late. He said even if the wind is strong, even if there is a typhoon we need to be on time. Unless we met an accident, then that is a valid excuse. 3. Most of the Filipinos take advantage of their kindness, but not all. More to come.. Just busy this time though..

My Message for a FRIEND

God has a lot of plans for you Teacher Jane. Do not worry too much because it will make you feel weaker than what you think you are. Do not look more unto the future because God has a lot of plans for you TODAY. TODAY is important than TOMORROW, so struggle on the things that you can do TODAY than what you can do TOMORROW. Work as if you are a bird in the sky, for God has better plan for a person like you who strives hard just to earn a good future. Be thankful for all the trials that you have, because indeed that is His plan for you, so let it be. Always stay happy and remember that money or financial problem is not EVERYTHING. It is just SOMETHING. I will pray for you and for your success. -Teacher Lach