"This is one of the craziest thing I have ever seen in SM Malls..
and that is their shopping carts. "
We went to shop their and to my amazement - I wasn't able to move for few second thinking if this is for real - in a Philippine shopping mall.
While my daughter hurriedly went to try it for a ride. I think she taught she was really 'into a ride' (hi hi).
So then my hubby let her ride this amazing shopping cart and HOLA!
She can't even escape even if she want to.

We just told her to enjoy the ride. Just sit, & relax. This shopping cart is beneficial to us parents because it makes our shopping time less stressful and meaningful at the same time. No wonder she wants to go back to the Supermarket if we pass by into the place.

Disclaimer: This ad is not sponsored/paid by SM Aura et. al. The author just find this cart amusing! For the adults, please don't try to be ride this cart - it is really dangerous for your spinal cord! (haha)
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